Basic Vacuum Cleaner Care Tips
The best vacuum cleaners can have all the bells and whistles to keep your home dust-free. But without proper maintenance, they can still break down or not perform optimally.
The good news is that it doesn’t have to cost much to keep your vacuum cleaner well maintained. By just following a few basic vacuum cleaner care tips, you can get it to suck up all the dirt and debris of your house for a very long time!
Empty the dust canister or bag before and after vacuuming.

While it’s tempting to immediately put your vacuum cleaner back into the closet or its corner after using it, you’ll still need to add this vital step before and after.
Doing this will ensure that your vacuum cleaner sucks up all the dirt like it should the next time you use it.
When choosing a vacuum cleaner, you have the option to get one that has a replaceable dust bag, or one with a simple canister. Either way, you’ll need to empty them before and after vacuuming so that dirt doesn’t coat the insides of the bag or canister and solidify over time.
This is especially important for cordless vacuum cleaners and those that have slender, atick-style bodies. Since their dust canisters are much smaller, dirt and dust can get fill it up quickly when not emptied regulary.
Clean and wash filters monthly.

Yes, your vacuum cleaner parts need a bath to perform its best, too. They’re constantly exposed to dust, dirt, germs, and bacteria, after all.
And if you have cats and dogs, chances are your carpets and rugs have more than their fair share of shed fur and dander. Carpet cleaninng requires thorough vacuuming to keep its threads and colour brilliant and looking new.
So whether you use a handheld vacuum or a full-sized unit, make sure to regularly detach and thoroughly clean the washable parts once a month.
Foam filters can be run under cold water until it runs clear, and then dried for a full day, while HEPA filters can be washed with liquid detergent and air-dried.
Check the hose and gaps regularly for trapped debris.

In an ideal cleaning scenario, no LEGO pieces or doll parts can get sucked up by your regular-sized or robot vaccum. But if you have very young kids or pets running around, there’s a possibility of that happening.
So when you clean behind your curtains, under your sofa, or any spot that’s not in your line of sight, you might end up getting small bits into the hose (or gaps, in the case of Robo vacuums).
If it’s not too stuck, you can just shake the hose or unit gently to get the thing out. You can also use a non-sharp stick or pipe cleaner to get into the gaps and hose so you can loosen stuck objects.
Get broken parts repaired ASAP.

Trying to figure out if a Robo vacuum is worth it? If you’re a busy person who prefers to have all the vacuuming activity in the background (though not performed by cleaning services), then yes, maybe it is!
But you’ll need to be prepared for when it sustains damage or stops working altogether. Use the warranty if it’s still valid, but always bring it to a professional vacuum repair shop to get fixed ASAP.
Every kind of vacuum cleaner requires different types of servicing, parts, and repairs. Tinkering with it by yourself if you aren’t familiar with how it works could just cause further damage.