How to Snore Less
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How to Snore Less

If your snoring has gotten so bad that it’s threatening your quality of life and relationships, then this post is dedicated to you.

You can always go to the best sleep clinics in Singapore for a thorough evaluation of potential underlying medical concerns. 

But in this post, we’re going to look at some simple solutions you can try to control your snoring.

Try sleeping on your side.

Try sleeping on your side

Is it really as simple as using a different sleeping position? Yes and no.

As stated before, there could be some health reasons that are behind your incessant snoring, including a heart condition, hypertension, obesity, or issues that only an orthodontist can address. 

Still, it wouldn’t hurt to try sleeping on your side and seeing if it will allow air to flow easily through your throat. Lying on your back could be causing your soft palate to come into contact with your throat’s back “wall”, thus causing vibrations.

An all-foam or hybrid mattress is the ideal firmness to accommodate side sleeping so it might be a good investment in the long run. Or consider a body pillow to help you prop on your side.

Get a full night’s sleep.

Get a full night’s sleep
Photo by Andy Barbour from Pexels

Sleep deprivation could be the main culprit behind snoring. And it could work the other way around, as well — if your snoring is loud enough to wake even yourself up, then it might be interrupting what should be a good night’s rest!

But if your sleep deprivation is caused by late-night Netflix bingeing or nonstop gaming, you can always control it to accommodate at least seven hours of sleep. That way, you won’t try to sneak in some sleep when you’re supposed to be working, studying, or being present for other people during the daytime.

While you’re at it, consider getting the best bedsheets you can afford to contribute to better sleep quality. Choose soft cotton sheets with at least a 300-thread count.

Use extra pillows to raise your head when you sleep.

Use extra pillows to raise your head when you sleep

Snoring could be managed by keeping your head raised a bit and your airways open. You can use a riser or a couple of memory foam pillows to manage this. 

Or if you have a bed that can be adjusted for reclining, you can try doing your sleeping at a slight angle for some time. Use your pillows to keep your head in a side position of this helps.

Just make sure you’re comfortable, though. Otherwise, you might have to visit an osteopath — this time for neck pain!

Make healthy lifestyle adjustments. 

Make healthy lifestyle adjustments

If you do end up seeing a sleep doctor and you’re diagnosed with sleep apnea, there are no ifs and buts about it. You’re going to have to make some serious lifestyle adjustments to not only address your snoring, but the health conditions causing it.

For starters, you might have to get used to sleeping with a CPAP machine to up your sleep quality. 

And if the root of your snoring and sleep apnea has something to do with your weight, your doctor could recommend nutritionists to help you plan healthier meals to help you shed some pounds off. 

You could also look into doing customised exercises with a personal trainer to be more physically active.