Vape In Singapore
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Can you vape in Singapore?

There are many places in Singapore where smoking is prohibited, including most of its indoor locations and certain public places. Offenders can be fined up to $1,000 when caught.

So beyond being worried about a potential cause of bad breath, you might want to consider that you’d be breaking the law (and paying a lot) when you light up a ciggie.

But can you vape in Singapore, instead? Find out with this informative guide.

It’s illegal to vape in Singapore

It’s illegal to vape in Singapore

It’s illegal to vape in Singapore according to section 16(2A) of the Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act (TCASA). This covers e-cigarettes, e-cigars, and e-pipes that mimic the act of smoking.

The Singapore legal system imposes stiff penalties on those caught vaping or in possession of a vaporiser that resembles a tobacco product. You can learn more about the fines involved in the following sections.

So to be on the safe side, avoid vapes altogether. 

Besides, why spend a lot on teeth whitening procedures when an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure?

Vapers can be fined up to $2,000

Vapers can be fined up to $2,000

With smoke detectors and security systems in place all over Singapore, you’d be lucky to get away with even a puff of a vaping device here. Strict guards from security companies are also alert for any signs of a vape, so be warned.

Vapers won’t get away with just a slap on the wrist, either. They will be significantly fined if found guilty of a vaping offence.

The fine for being in possession or use of a vape can be up to $2,000. That’s a significant amount from your savings account which could go to more important purchases instead.

Shipping vapes to Singapore is also illegal

Shipping vapes to Singapore is also illegal

If you think you can get away by buying a vape from online shopping sites, think again. Even this act can get you fined up to $20,000 if you’re caught and found guilty of doing so.

Section 16(1) of the TCASA states that it’s illegal to import vaping devices whether it’s to sell or for personal use. Importing them from other countries and getting them to Singapore via private courier is also not allowed.

The bottom line is to give vapes and the act of vaping a wide berth. Basically, don’t even think about it if you don’t want to end up in jail for half a year (or a full year if you’re a repeat offender).

Vapes aren’t allowed while transiting through Singapore

Vapes aren’t allowed while transiting through Singapore

Even those just passing through Singapore aren’t allowed to carry a vaping device in their carry-on luggage or travel backpacks. It will likely be confiscated if found on your person.

Keep in mind that the transit area in Singapore Changi airport is still under Singaporean jurisdiction, so it’s illegal to carry a vape when you’re in it. 

Some people have advised vapers to disassemble their devices for transits through Singapore. But it might be safer to have your entire vape in your checked-in baggage to be sure.