5 Myths on Personal Injury Law in Singapore
Today, we’re going to look at five of the biggest myths that personal injury lawyers in Singapore often face. The myths range from misinformation on if a minor can or cannot be sued, to when to make a claim.
Along with debunking these myths, we have provided some useful resources and links to guide you on personal injury law concerns.
1. Your injuries are too minor to need a lawyer.

The reason many personal injury lawyers offer a free initial consultation to potential clients is to determine whether or not there is a case to be pursued.
Sadly, a lot of personal injury victims who get out of an incident with minor scrapes and bruises often think they don’t need representation. Most victims often think that they no longer need a lawyer once they’re offered a settlement by an accident insurance company, as well.
But a bruise or cut on the knee could result in needing knee braces or even knee replacement surgery over time if complications arise later. Injuries that are ignored or not professionally treated could worsen and affect the victim’s quality of life and income in the future.
It’s important to seek medical attention right after a mishap or accident so you can determine whether you’ll need long-term physiotherapy, surgery, or special medication right away. Compensation can also depend on whether you get public or private healthcare in Singapore.
And if you do find something that’s potentially long-term, then a personal injury lawyer can help you make claims for it.
2. A child can’t file personal injury claims.

People often think that children can only be represented during cases where family lawyers are involved.
In personal injury cases involving a child, a parent can sue on their behalf. And yes, another child who injures your child can be sued, provided that the former’s parents aren’t in any way liable for their child’s wrongful actions.
If the parent of a child that caused a personal injury to another is accused of guilt by negligence, they can be held liable as well.
Please note that in Singapore, a child is any person who is below 14 years old. They are allowed a litigation representative under Order 76 Rule 2 of the Rules of Court.
3. You can’t make an injury claim if it happens in a foreign country.

Personal injury litigation lawyers in Singapore can help those who are injured at work file for compensation. They can use the statute called the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA) to assist injured employees with their claims.
All employees under a contract of service, apprenticeship, or internship are covered by WICA and can make claims under it. Their employers are also mandated to purchase them work injury compensation insurance for both manual and non-manual work.
And yes, this coverage includes an employee working in a foreign country who has met an accident while at work, or while travelling for work in a vehicle operated by their employer.
The same holds for workers who contract occupational diseases or have been exposed to chemical or biological agents while at work.
4. You can take your sweet time to file.

There’s particular legislation under the Singapore legal system for accidents that occur in the workplace. These pieces of legislation include the Workplace Safety and Health (Incident Reporting) Regulations and the Work Injury Compensation Regulations
According to the Ministry of Manpower website, workplace and work-related accidents need to be filed within ten days of the accident or diagnosis.
As the employer, failure to do so would result in up to a $5,000 fine for a first offence, and up to $10,000 or imprisonment for up to six months (or both) subsequent offences.
So while there are lots of things that might be foremost on your mind after an accident occurs, filing a report should be on top of the list. A good employment lawyer can help you make this happen.
5. You’re instantly guaranteed compensation upon filing.

Unfortunately, filing a personal injury claim (even if you do it on time) won’t immediately guarantee that you’ll be properly compensated.
Personal injury claims might take some time to file, though some can get quickly resolved within just a couple of weeks. But the process is still a worthwhile thing to pursue if only to truly determine if you can get the full compensation that you deserve.