How to Remove Skin Tags Safely
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How to Remove Skin Tags Safely

You may invest in the most expensive anti-ageing products for your skin. However, when skin tags appear on parts of your body, they can make you appear older (and not flawless).

Skin tags are harmless for the most part, as skin specialists will tell you. But they can be annoying, so you might want to know how to remove skin tags safely and prevent them from coming back.

Luckily, that’s what we’ll be discussing in this post!

Have a doctor examine and remove it

Have a doctor examine and remove it

You might already be looking up ways to remove skin tags safely at home. But we’re here to tell you that DIY methods might not just be unsuccessful but could also result in infection or scarring.

As with the best mole removal methods, your skin tags are better off at the hands of a qualified dermatologist. Before getting them removed, your doctor might want to check the skin tags first to ensure that they’re non-cancerous growths.

They can also recommend a couple of options to get rid of them so you can decide which one you prefer. These options typically cover ligation, surgery, cryosurgery, or the more traditional cauterization.

Consider electrocautery for bigger skin tags

Consider electrocautery for bigger skin tags

And then there’s electrocautery which destroys the skin tag’s tissue using a heated electric current. It’s also an effective technique used for total wart removal.

You can see either a dermatologist or an aesthetic doctor about getting your skin tags removed via electrocautery. It’s especially recommended for thicker and bigger skin tags and is typically used with a topical anaesthetic to minimize the pain of the procedure.

And yes, electrocauterization can cause some mild pain or discomfort but nothing that’s unbearable. However, if you have a pacemaker or prosthetic parts in your body, you won’t be a candidate for this treatment.

Don’t attempt to remove skin tags on your own

Don’t attempt to remove skin tags on your own

As we said earlier, removing skin tags via DIY means is not recommended especially if you don’t have any knowledge of how tools and ingredients work. Skin tag removal isn’t something you can do at home like flat hair fixes or hiding a pimple with concealer.

Even “milder” remedies that make use of face serums with Vitamin E or tea tree oil could prove to be futile because they usually take long before results can be seen.

And over-the-counter skin tag remedies like cryotherapy kits and removal creams might cause irritation, infection, or results that fall short of what you’re expecting. Again, going to a professional is the best recourse.

Avoid tight clothes and accessories

Avoid tight clothes and accessories

This is more of a preventative tip, but it can help you to keep skin tags at bay. It’s also something you might want to consider if you constantly have back acne or breakouts on different parts of your body.

It’s pretty simple: avoid wearing tight clothes. They can encourage friction and skin-to-skin rubbing which could lead to skin tags and other skin issues.

Of course, other causes such as hormonal changes, genetic conditions, and insulin resistance can also cause these unsightly growths. But it won’t hurt to wear looser, more breathable, and more comfortable clothes while ensuring you disinfect your laundry, either.