How to Treat a Pimple in Your Nose
It’s been established that stress can cause acne and breakouts. But what should be done if the pimple happens to be inside your nose?
It’s important to see a dermatologist (rather than an aesthetic doctor) if this happens. That being said, here are some practical ways how to treat a pimple in your nose.
Wash the skin around your nostrils well

Keeping your skin clean is a practical first step in ensuring that pimples are kept at bay. But in the same way that you’d manage a runny nose, take extra care to be gentle when cleaning around your nostril area.
To be on the safe side, use a mild facial cleanser (with no beads) to remove dead skin cells safely. Don’t scrub the skin around your nose roughly, as it might trigger even more inflammation.
While you’re at it, look for a cleanser with salicylic acid as an ingredient. It can effectively remove excess sebum if you have a particularly greasy nose area.
Apply a topical treatment

Once your dermatologist has confirmed that it’s a pimple inside your nose (and not a boil or something else), you could be prescribed an acne cream or a topical antibiotic. Some helpful ingredients to look out for include benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.
The treatment will boil down to the main cause of the pimple along with your doctor’s diagnosis. This means that you could also be prescribed an oral antibiotic if pain and swelling are involved.
So don’t go trying to pop or poke around your nose if you don’t want to end up with an acne scar anywhere near your nose.
Avoid tweezing nose hair

In our ear wax removal guide, we underlined how important it is to keep away from fad cleaning tools and techniques. And if you can keep your fingers away from your aural cavities, the better it would be.
In the same vein, avoid using tweezers to pluck your nostril hairs. Doing this can cause ingrown hairs, clogged pores, or worse, infected bumps and wounds that can make the problem even bigger (and more painful).
And if you’re truly self-conscious about them, you could simply trim your nose hair using appropriate scissors.
Consult a dermatologist first

We think this bears repeating because of its importance: pimples inside the nose should be seen by a reliable dermatologist before you try DIY remedies. It could just be a reaction from an irritant, or it could be something more serious like an infection.
There’s a wide range of potential causes leading to a pimple inside your nose. It could be from having a nose piercing, blowing your nose too hard, picking at your nose, or even ingrown nose hairs.
The bottom line is that your dermatologist will not only know the best treatment for your pimple, but they can also present solutions to keep future pimples at bay, such as a hormonal acne.