How much does a knee replacement cost in Singapore? We did the math for you!
The cost of knee replacement surgery in Singapore depends on where you’re undergoing this orthopedic procedure.
If you’re getting it at a public hospital, the price can range between S$16,000 and S$22,000, but if you’re at a private hospital, it’s usually around S$19,000 and S$40,000.
These estimations don’t take into account any subsidies or insurance coverage yet.
What affects the cost of knee replacement?
Type of Surgery

As you can see from the estimated costs, knee replacement isn’t exactly the cheapest procedure out there. There are many reasons for this.
Firstly, there’s the type of surgery: are you getting a partial knee replacement or a total one? Simply put, a partial knee replacement replaces only one part of the knee (the inside, outside, or kneecap), while a total one replaces your whole knee.
If you only get a partial knee replacement, your costs will be lower because the surgeon is using fewer implants. Plus, your recovery period won’t be too long, so you can be discharged from the hospital earlier.
The same thing can’t be said if you’re having a total knee replacement. This procedure uses more implants and might also require you to buy medications, get X-rays, and return for follow-up checkups. All these factors drive up your total cost.
Operation Fees

Another factor that affects your final bill is the operation fees. These fees mostly depend on the orthopedic specialist who’s doing the surgery: the more experienced and renowned they are, the more expensive their rates are as well!
Aside from the surgeon, there are also the anesthetist fees. Anesthetics is incredibly important for operations like knee replacement surgery because it prevents you from feeling pain.
So, you’ll have to pay an anesthetist to administer the anesthetics, and this fee alone is usually around the S$2,000 mark.
Public or Private Health Institution

The type of health institution also plays a role in how much your bill will end up being. If you’re in a public hospital, chances are the total costs won’t be as expensive as the ones if you’re in a private institution.
This is because the government funds public hospitals, so they can negotiate better prices for equipment and services. Meanwhile, in private hospitals, doctors are independent, so they can set their own prices.
Though private institutions are much more expensive, you do get perks that you won’t get otherwise if you’re in a public hospital. For example, you won’t have to wait for a long time to undergo the surgery, and you can have your own private ward.
Advanced Technology

Technology is at work in knee replacement surgeries, and while they’re helpful, it’s not exactly cheap. So, if your surgeon will be using a semi-automated robotic arm to fix your knee, then expect you’ll get a hefty bill.
The great thing about the surgeon using robotic tools to fix your knee is that they become much more accurate and efficient. Your surgery won’t have to last long, and complications rarely occur. Because of this, robotic technology is worth it.
That said, the most advanced robotic surgery equipment is only available in private institutions. So, you don’t have to worry much about having to pay an exorbitant amount just because a robot performed surgery on you.
Cost-Saving Tips for Knee Replacement
Look for an orthopedic specialist with affordable rates

The first thing you can do to help mitigate your costs is to find an orthopedic specialist with affordable rates.
There are different ways you can go about to learn a doctor’s rate. Some post their rates on the Singapore Medical Council’s online directory or their own website.
However, some doctors won’t disclose their rates easily, and you might have to contact them via email or phone to ask about how much you have to pay them if they do your knee placement surgery.
Take advantage of government subsidies

If you’re a Singaporean citizen or permanent resident, then you’re in luck because you’re eligible for medical subsidies. To be more specific, you can use your contributions to the Central Provident Fund (CPF) to co-pay your hospital bills.
You also have MediShield Life, which is a basic health insurance plan that protects you against large hospital bills!
There are other healthcare schemes and subsidies that are available for citizens and permanent residents. Check the Ministry of Health website to see what scheme or subsidy you might be eligible for.
Purchase an insurance plan

Medical subsidies are only reserved for citizens and permanent residents, so if you’re a foreigner, you’ll need to purchase your own insurance plan. Fortunately, there are many insurance providers, so all you need to do is research each provider thoroughly.
These providers offer many kinds of plans, and it might be tricky to determine if these plans include knee replacement surgery in their coverage. I recommend meeting with someone from the insurance provider and asking them about this.
Don’t settle for the first insurance plan that you find. Continue asking around and noting down the differences between each insurance plan. Eventually, you have enough data to make an informed decision on which plan is the best for you.